In various mythologies the spiral is a globally positive symbol. Here are some of the meanings that have been attributed to the spiral.
Carl Jung, the famous psychiatrist, said that the spiral is an archetypal symbol that represents cosmic force.
In ancient Britain, the spiral seems to have been associated with the feminine as the doorway to life.
It has been associated with the cycles of time, the seasons, the cycle of birth, growth, death, and then rebirth. The cycles of time and nature are the cycles of life.
Some consider the spiral a symbol of the spiritual journey. It is also considered to represent the evolutionary process of learning and growing. It seems that life doesn't proceed in a straight line. The path of life more closely resemble a spiral. We seem to pass the same point over and over again but from a different perspective each time. To walk and then stand in the center of a spiral or labyrinth has been a psycho-spiritual exercise for centering the consciousness.